The award of Chartered Geologist or Chartered Scientist acknowledges that you have reached an important professional milestone. Chartered status is a symbol of technical competence and signifies a public commitment to professional standards.
In order to retain your status as a Chartered Geologist or Chartered Scientist you must:
Please keep the Society updated with changes to your contact details as we may be obliged to withdraw your Chartered status if we are unable to contact you, e.g. to notify of outstanding subscription fees.
Chartered Geologist Stamp
We are now pleased to offer a self-inking CGeol stamp for Chartered Geologists. The stamp can be used to indicate professional status on documents, drawings and letters.
The stamp includes your custom Fellow Number and is:
- £44 including postage in the UK
- £44 + postage £15 from the UK to Europe
- £44 + postage £17.50 from the UK to rest of the world
Order your stamp
CGeol electronic logo
For Chartered Geologists who wish to use the logo with their e-signatures, the electronic version is available free of charge.
Download the logo
Terms and conditions for use
The Logo/stamp:
- must be used with Fellowship number;
- and title can only be used by current and paid-up Chartered Geologists (CGeol);
- must not be altered in any way;
- can only be associated with the individual title holder and not with that of an organisation such as a company or partnership; and
- can only be ordered from the Geological Society.
Fellow number will be located as in the example given.
It is against the Code of Conduct to use the logo or stamp while your Fellowship is expired, revoked, or suspended.
Adding your professional credentials to your LinkedIn profile is a great way to promote your skills, knowledge, and qualifications. It is also a great way for you to stand out to potential employers.
Here is a step by step guide of how to add your professional credentials to your profile:
- Go to your LinkedIn Profile
- Scroll down to Add Licenses & Certifications
- Enter in the name of your certification e.g. European Federation of Geologists
- Enter ‘The Geological Society of London’ as the issuing organisation
- Deselect ‘this credential does not expire’
- Enter the issue and expiration date of your Fellowship or Chartership
- The Credential ID is: Your Fellowship number, ie: Membership Number
- The Credential URL is:
Please see the following image for more information:
For several years, the Geological Society has been working to establish agreements with various overseas professional organisations to mutually recognise each other's professional qualifications (or ‘titles’). We have such agreements with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Institute of Geologists of Ireland and the American Institute of Professional Geologists.
Reciprocal arrangement with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

The Geological Society has established a reciprocal arrangement with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), allowing Chartered Geologists to apply for certification with AAPG, and vice versa, through simplified application procedures. AAPG members wishing to apply for Chartered Geologist status must be Fellows of the Geological Society, and similarly, applicants for certification with AAPG must be Members of AAPG.
Visit the AAPG website for more information.
Chartered Geologists who want to apply for Certified Petroleum Geologist, Certified Petroleum Geophysicist, or Certified Coal Geologist status with AAPG should:
Applicants should submit the completed application form via email to the Chartership Office at [email protected]. We will then certify that you are a Chartered Geologist and forward the documentation to AAPG, where the payment will be arranged directly.
Certified Petroleum Geologists, Certified Petroleum Geophysicists, or Certified Coal Geologists who want to apply for Chartered Geologists status with the Geological Society should:
- Obtain letter of good standing confirming their membership status from AAPG (email is acceptable)
- Fill out the online application form
- Upload the CPD record following Plan-Act-Reflect scheme.
- Upload the letter of good standing.
- Sign the declaration.
- Pay the application fee.
Reciprocal arrangement with the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)

In 2012, the Society concluded an agreement with the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) following a review that established that the aims and objectives of both organisations, and the peer review processes, although they differ in detail are equally exacting and broadly comparable. As a result the two organisations have agreed to recognise the equivalence of the titles of Chartered Geologist (CGeol) and Certified Professional Geologist (CPG). For further details, read the mutual recognition agreement.
If you're a Chartered Geologist (CGeol) looking to apply for Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) with the AIPG, make sure to review the By Laws and Code of Ethics of the AIPG. You'll need to follow these guidelines before you complete the application form.
Applicants should submit the completed application form via email to the Chartership Office at [email protected]. We will then certify that you are a Chartered Geologist and forward the documentation to AIPG.
Certified Professional Geologists (CPGs) who want to apply for Chartered Geologists status with the Geological Society should:
- Obtain letter of good standing confirming their membership status from AIPG (email is acceptable)
- Fill out the online application form
- Upload the CPD record following Plan-Act-Reflect scheme
- Upload the letter of good standing
- Sign the declaration
- Pay the application fee
Reciprocal arrangement with the Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI)

The Geological Society has agreed a reciprocal arrangement with the Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) whereby Chartered Geologists can apply to be Professional Members (PGeo) of the IGI, and vice versa.
If you're a Chartered Geologist (CGeol) wishing to apply to be a Professional Member (PGeo) of the IGI, you should:
- Complete and submit the MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) applicant application form
- Submit a letter from the Geological Society stating that the applicant is a member-in-good-standing of that organisation. To obtain the letter, please contact [email protected]
Once the application has been received the Validation Committee may invite the applicant to an introductory meeting. The purpose of this meeting will be to introduce the candidate to the IGI organisation and to afford the IGI the opportunity to inform the candidate about the IGI’s ethos and objectives.
IGI Professional Members (PGeos) who want to apply for Chartered Geologist status with the Geological Society should:
- Obtain letter of good standing confirming their membership status from IGI (email is acceptable)
- Fill out the online application form
- Upload the CPD record following Plan-Act-Reflect scheme
- Upload the letter of good standing
- Sign the declaration
- Pay the application fee