'Sections and plans of the collieries around Nailsea...', 1811

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Sections and plans of the collieries around Nailsea, which accompanied the pamphlet ‘The Reports of Mr William Smith, and Mr Edward Martin, to the Bristol and Taunton Canal Company, on the State of the Collieries at and near Nailsea, in Somersetshire', 1811 (ref: LDGSL/745).
The report is in two halves, the first two pages are by Smith, the latter five pages by Martin in which are references to the sections and plans. However the inclined strata depicted on some of the sections is in-keeping with Smith's stratigraphical theories, as illustrated in his later sections of the country.
In the report, Smith was of the opinion that there was a sufficient supply of workable coal to justify the construction of a new canal. Only the Bridgewater-Taunton part of the canal was constructed, opening in 1827.
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