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Bruce Yardley appointed Chief Geologist

Bruce Yardley (Leeds University) has been appointed Chief Geologist by The Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

Chartership news

Chartership Officer Bill Gaskarth reports on a projected new logo for use by CGeols, advice on applications and company training schemes

Climate Change Statement Addendum

The Society has published an addendum to 'Climate Change: Evidence from the Geological Record' (November 2010) taking account of new research

Cracking up in Lincolnshire

Oliver Pritchard, Stephen Hallett, and Timothy Farewell consider the role of soil science in maintaining the British 'evolved road'

Critical metals

Kathryn Goodenough* on a Society-sponsored hunt for the rare metals that underpin new technologies

Déja vu all over again

As Nina Morgan Discovers, the debate over HS2 is nothing new...

Done proud

Ted Nield hails the new refurbished Council Room as evidence that the Society is growing up

Earth Science Week 2014

Fellows - renew, vote for Council, and volunteer for Earth Science Week 2014!  Also - who is honoured in the Society's Awards and Medals 2014.

Fookes celebrated

Peter Fookes (Imperial College, London) celebrated at Society event in honour of Engineering Group Working Parties and their reports

Geology - poor relation?

When are University Earth Science departments going to shed their outmoded obsession with maths, physics and chemistry?

Nancy Tupholme

Nancy Tupholme, Librarian of the Society and the Royal Society, has died, reports Wendy Cawthorne.

Power, splendour and high camp

Ted Nield reviews the refurbishment of the Council Room, Burlington House

The Sir Archibald Geikie Archive at Haslemere Educational Museum

You can help the Haslemere Educational Museum to identify subjects in Sir Archibald Geikie's amazing field notebook sketches, writes John Betterton.

Top bananas

Who are the top 100 UK practising scientists?  The Science Council knows...

May 2010


Pincer movement

Academics face threats to their freedom from the combined blights of both public and private sectors, says Ted Nield


Frozen on the beach

Robin Bailey discusses uniformitarianism, and the rare untypical events that allow us to apply it to the sedimentary record



The great American incognitum

Alexis Drahos investigates Charles Willson Peale's work as painter and palaeontologist


The ultimate excuse

Nina Morgan discovers that procrastination rules, even when you are John Phillips, reviewing proofs for Sir Roderick Murchison



Dino discovery

UCL student, partly funded by the Society, has discovered a new species of dinosaur


In Brief May 2010

Joe McCall's roundup of the news



One New Review

by Malcolm McClure, of Paleoclimates by Thomas Cronin


Back to the future with climate change

Jonathan Cowie on the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and its implications for global warming today



Slip-slidin' away

To coincide with the publication of a thematic set of papers in the Journal of the Geological Society, Rob Butler explores the not-so peaceful world of the passive continental margin


Society News

Serao, Francesco 1740

Michael McKimm discusses Francesco Serao's 1740 description of the eruption of Vesuvius


Bang goes communication

Sarah Day visits the 2010 Big Bang Fair in manchester and discovers that communicating "climate change" could start by defining its terms


O. T. who?

Ted Nield attends a South Wales Regional Group schools event at a Cardiff High School, bringing together year 12/13 pupils from across South Wales


Online Special

The geoblogosphere

Michael Welland reviews what's out there in the land of the geological blog


GIT feeling

Joe McCall suspects the Great Impact Theory of the origin of the Earth-Moon System has had its day and proposes a theory of his own...


Back to the future - long version

Read a longer version of this month's piece by Jonathan Cowie


KT Mass Extinction: theories and controversies - extended version

Gerta Keller says there is more than game in town when it comes to explaining the Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) mass extinction


KT Controversies - the "Science" letters

The letters Science refused to print...