Istoria dell'incendio del Vesuvio accaduto nel mese di maggio dell'anno MDCCXXXVII [1737] by Francesco Serao. 1740
Where does a “rare books” collection come from? A substantial number of the Society’s volumes are in our possession through the benevolence of just one man: the Society’s first President, George Bellas Greenough (1778-1855). During his life Greenough presented many volumes to the Society and in his Will he bequeathed to the Society “all his books, maps, charts, sections, and engravings relating to geology (amounting to upwards of 1,150 volumes, and 60 cases of maps).” He also left “the sum of 500 [pounds] for the purpose of defraying the expenses of finding accommodation for these collections” (proof that sponsor-a-book schemes are nothing new!)*.
Here is just one of the volumes he bequeathed to the Society: Francesco Serao’s Vesuvio (1740). What is fascinating about this volume is the trace it carries of its previous owner: there, in the top right hand corner, directly onto the surface of the white vellum, G B Greenough has signed his name. We can only guess why. Perhaps he held this book in particularly high esteem, or perhaps he just jotted his name there when lending the book to a friend, to make sure it found its way back to its rightful owner. Whatever the reason, it makes this book a rather intriguing and special artefact.