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2016: Year of Water

2016 - Year of Water

Themed years are at the heart of the Society’s science strategy, and throughout 2016 we explored a wide range of water-related geoscience through research conferences, lectures, our education programme and other activities.  

An understanding of groundwater and hydrogeology is crucial to addressing a wide range of societal challenges, from securing fresh water supplies and mitigating flood risk to extracting shale gas and other hydrocarbons and safely disposing of our nuclear waste.  But water also plays an important role in fundamental geological processes, many of which are the subject of continuing research.

  • Dewatering is key to the formation of sedimentary rocks. Studying the isotopic signatures of ancient waters and the organisms that were formed in them can help us characterise and understand past environments.
  • Water affects deep mantle processes, and fuels volcanic eruptions, determining explosivity and propelling eruption columns into the atmosphere. 
  • Water is also at the heart of our efforts to look for life on Mars and elsewhere.

The Year of Water provided an opportunity to share and debate emerging research, and to communicate to policy-makers and the wider public the vital role of water in how our planet works and how we can live sustainably on it.


Your search for events returned the following 38 results.

Showing 1 to 10 of 38 results

Mineral Solutions to Global Problems

20 January 2016

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

  • Lecture

Canada/Pakistan Hydropower Tunnel Scheme

29 January 2016

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

  • Evening meeting

The origin, history and role of water in the evolution of the inner Solar System

01 - 02 February 2016

Venue: Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire

  • Conference
  • Workshop

Construction dewatering in urban areas

16 February 2016

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

  • Evening meeting

Advanced Tools for Groundwater Management for the Sussex Chalk Aquifer

16 February 2016

Venue: Gatwick Manor Hotel, Crawley

  • Lecture

Solent: Water Scarcity, Desalination and the Environment

24 February 2016

Venue: University of Portsmouth

  • Lecture
  • Evening meeting

SWRG Schools Geoscience Workshop and Schools Competition

24 February 2016

Venue: Plymouth University, Devon

  • Workshop
  • Competition

Feeling the pressure in sedimentary basins: the periodic venting of hot fluids from within the Earth

24 February 2016

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

  • Lecture

Disaster Mitigation Mission in Tajikistan

02 March 2016

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

  • Evening meeting

Land Contamination 2016

21 March 2016

Venue: Cardiff University, Main Building, Parc Place, CF10 3AT

  • Conference
  • Lecture
Showing 1 to 10 of 38 results