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The need for transition to a low-carbon economy is urgent. However, as we manage this change, we will continue to be dependent for many more years on fossil fuels. Geoscience skills are essential at every step of the energy cycle, from location of energy sources through to their safe, reliable extraction, use and subsequent disposal or recycling of wastes.

Energy Resources

Energy Security Shale Gas Carbon Capture and Storage
Renewable Energy

Radioactive Waste Disposal

Energy Security

In meeting its future energy needs, the UK faces a triple challenge: to drastically reduce CO2 emissions in order to avoid dangerous climate change; to ensure security of supply; and to deliver energy affordably to industry and consumers.

Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Annual Energy Review - November 2012

DECC Energy Security Strategy - November 2012

 policy documentSubmission to House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee Inquiry: Energy Security - April 2011

external linkBritish Geological Survey: Energy Research Areas

Shale Gas

 internal link highlightedShale Gas resources on the GSL website
The Society has issued a number of resources which may be helpful in answering questions from friends and colleagues.

Geological Society Shale Gas Briefing Note

external linkBritish Geological Survey: Shale Gas Information Page

external linkThe ReFINE Project
The leading independent research consortium on fracking, led jointly by Newcastle University and Durham University
policy documentPolicy documents and consultation responses:
eventMeetings & Lectures:
5th UK Deep Geothermal Symposium - Conference resources, October 2016

Fracked or fiction: so what are the risks associated with shale gas exploitation? London Lecture, April 2014

Shale Gas in the UK: Policy Meeting June 2012

Shell Lecture, Unconventional Gas, Melvyn Giles - Video, May 2012

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Carbon Capture and Storage

 policy documentGeological Society Press Release on CCS - December 2012

eventCCS - Capturing Global Opportunities - Shell Lecture, Paul Garnham, Shell, May 2013

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Renewable Energy

policy documentSubmission to the BERR UK Renewable Energy Strategy - September 2008 

eventGeological Aspects of Renewable Energy - Shell Lecture, Bruce Levell, Shell, November 2012

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Radioactive Waste Disposal

 internal link highlightedGeological Society Position Statement: Managing Radioactive Waste Safely (MRWS) - September 2012

policy documentPolicy documents and consultation responses:
eventMeetings & Lectures: 

Radioactive Waste Disposal: Site Characterisation - A one-day conference held at the Geological Society in 2011

  • Radioactive waste disposal part 1 - Rebecca Lunn of the University of Strathclyde discusses UK efforts to dispose of high level radioactive waste, and our moral obligation to find a long term solution
  • Radioactive waste disposal part 2 - Professor Neil Chapman explains the hazards which need to be looked at when disposing of radioactive wastes, and what they mean for the future of the nuclear industry.

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Geology for Society

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Aimed at policy and decision-makers as well as the wider public, 'Geology for Society' outlines the importance of geology to our society.