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  • SUP18897 (Parent Paper: Application of portable XRF to the direct analysis of till samples from various deposit types in Canada. Appearing in Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 2015)
  • SUP18896 (Parent Paper: Leaving no stone unturned: the feedback between increased biotic diversity and early diagenesis during the Ordovician. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2016)
  • SUP18893 (Parent Paper: Petrogenesis and tectonomagmatic significance of Eocene maficintrusions from the Neotethyan suture zone in the Muslim Bagh–Khanozai region, Pakistan. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2016)
  • SUP18892 (Parent Paper: Anomalous terrain at Dove Crags ‘cirqueform’ and Gasgale Gill asymmetric valley, English Lake District, attributed to large-scale rock slope failure of pre-LGM origins. Appearing in Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, May 2015, v 60, no. 3)
  • SUP18890 (Parent Paper: Simulating maar–diatreme volcanic systems in bench-scale experiments. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2016)
  • SUP18889 (Parent Paper: Palaeoenvironment, palaeoclimate and age of the Brassington Formation (Miocene) of Derbyshire, UK. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18888 (Parent Paper: Frontier exploration and the North Atlantic Igneous Province: new insights from a 2.6 km offshore volcanic sequence in the NE Faroe–Shetland Basin. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18887 (Parent Paper: Evidence from Rb–Sr mineral ages for multiple orogenic events in the Caledonides of Shetland, Scotland. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18886 (Parent Paper: Reconnaissance thermochronology of southern Zealandia. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18885 (Parent Paper: An example of low-Th/U zircon overgrowths of magmatic origin in a late orogenic Variscan intrusion: the San Ciprián massif (NW Spain). Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2016)
  • SUP18884 (Parent Paper: U–Pb and Lu–Hf zircon data in young sediments reflect sedimentary recycling in eastern South Africa. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18881 (Parent Paper:  Uranium–lead zircon systematics in the Sudbury impact crater-fill: implications for target lithologies and crater evolution)
  • SUP18880 (Parent Paper: Detrital zircon in a supercontinental setting: locally derived and far-transported components in the Ordovician Natal Group, South Africa. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18879 (Parent Paper: Integrated stratigraphy and palaeoclimate history of the Carnian Pluvial Event in the Boreal realm; new data from the Upper Triassic Kapp Toscana Group in central Spitsbergen (Norway)...)
  • SUP18878 (Parent Paper: A synchronous Last Glacial Maximum across the Anatolian peninsula. Appearing in Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 433)
  • SUP18877 (Parent Paper: Cosmogenic 36Cl geochronology of Quaternary glaciers on the Bolkar Mountains, south central Turkey. Appearing in Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 433)
  • SUP18876 (Parent Paper: The geology and tectonics of central Bhutan. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18875 (Parent Paper: Development history of the southern terminus of the Central Atlantic; Guyana–Suriname case study. Appearing in Transform Margins: Development, Controls and Petroleum Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 431)
  • SUP18874 (Parent Paper: Arthur Smith Woodward’s fossil fish type specimens. Appearing in Arthur Smith Woodward: His Life and Influence on Modern Vertebrate Palaeontology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 430)
  • SUP18873 (Parent Paper: Gondwana break-up related magmatism in the Falkland Islands. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18872 (Parent Paper: Intraplate seismicity in mid-plate South America: correlations with geophysical lithospheric parameters. Appearing in Seismicity, Fault Rupture and Earthquake Hazards in Slowly Deforming Regions. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 432)
  • SUP18871 (Parent Paper: The Egiin Davaa prehistoric rupture, central Mongolia: a large magnitude normal faulting earthquake on a reactivated fault with little cumulative slip located in a slowly deforming intraplate setting. Appearing in Seismicity, Fault Rupture and Earthquake Hazards in Slowly Deforming Regions. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 432)
  • SUP18870 (Parent Paper: The dynamic influence of microbial mats on sediments: fluid escape and pseudofossil formation in the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup, UK. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015
  • SUP18869 (Parent Paper: The Cadell Fault, southeastern Australia: a record of temporally clustered morphogenic seismicity in a low-strain intraplate region. Appearing in Seismicity, Fault Rupture and Earthquake Hazards in Slowly Deforming Regions. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 432)
  • SUP18868 (Parent Paper: The planktic foraminifer Planorotalites in the Tethyan middle Eocene). Appearing in Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2015
  • SUP18867 (Parent Paper: Lady Smith Woodward’s memories: introduction. Appearing in Arthur Smith Woodward: His Life and Influence on Modern Vertebrate Palaeontology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 430)
  • SUP18866 (Parent Paper: Theropod dinosaurs from the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian–Bathonian) of Skye, Scotland. Appearing in Scottish Journal of Geology, 2015)
  • SUP18865 (Parent Paper: The Palaeoproterozoic global carbon cycle: insights from the Loch Maree Group, NW Scotland. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18864 (Parent Paper: The role of break-up localization in microcontinent separation along a strike-slip margin: the East India–Elan Bank case study. Appearing in Transform Margins: Development, Controls and Petroleum Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 431)
  • SUP18863 (Parent Paper: The Palaeoproterozoic anatomy of the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland: evidence for two ‘Laxfordian’ tectonothermal cycles. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18862 (Parent Paper: Re-evaluating the geochronology of the Permian Tarim magmatic province: implications for temporal evolution of magmatism. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18861 (Parent Paper: Some observations on an atypical planktic foraminifer from the Middle Eocene of Kutch, India. Appearing in Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2015)
  • SUP18860 (Parent Paper: Middle Ordovician disorganized arc rifting in the peri-Laurentian Newfoundland Appalachians: implications for evolution of intra-oceanic arc. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18859 (Parent Paper: Silurian–Devonian magmatism, mineralization, regional exhumation and brittle strike-slip deformation along the Loch Shin Line, NW Scotland. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18858 (Parent Paper: No Exploits back-arc basin in the Iapetus suture zone of Ireland. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18857 (Parent Paper: Rift magmatism on the Eurasia basin margin: U–Pb baddeleyite ages of alkaline dyke swarms in North Greenland. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18856 (Parent Paper: Reappraisal of Early Cretaceous highly enriched mantle beneath the Dabie Orogen: evidence from mineralogy and geochemistry of the Xiaohekou complex. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18855 (Parent Paper: Depositional characteristics of the northern South China Sea in response to the evolution of the Pearl River. Appearing in River-Dominated Shelf Sediments of East Asian Seas. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 429)
  • SUP18854 (Parent Paper: New species of Neogene radiolarians from the Southern Ocean – part IV. Appearing in Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2015)
  • SUP18853 (Parent Paper: A continental-scale geochemical atlas for resource exploration and environmental management: the National Geochemical Survey of Australia. Appearing in Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 2015)
  • SUP18852 (Parent Paper: Progressive orocline formation in the Eastern Pontides–Lesser Caucasus. Appearing in Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 428)
  • SUP18851 (Parent Paper: Onset of Maikop sedimentation and cessation of Eocene arc volcanism in the Talysh Mountains, Azerbaijan. Appearing in Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 428)
  • SUP18850 (Parent Paper: Mesozoic to recent geological history of southern Crimea and the Eastern Black Sea region. Appearing in Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 428)
  • SUP18849 (Parent Paper: Influence of regional tectonics and pre-existing structures on the formation of elliptical calderas in the Kenyan Rift. Appearing in Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 420)
  • SUP18848 (Parent Paper: Silurian vegetation stature and density inferred from fossil soils and plants in Pennsylvania, USA. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18847 (Parent Paper: Constraining magmatic fluxes through thermal modelling of contact metamorphism. Appearing in Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422)
  • SUP18846 (Parent Paper: Lithospheric structure in Central Eurasia derived from elevation, geoid anomaly and thermal analysis. Appearing in Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the Western Tien Shan Range. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 427)
  • SUP18845 (Parent Paper: Talas–Fergana Fault Cenozoic timing of deformation and its relation to Pamir indentation. Appearing in Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the Western Tien Shan Range. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 427)
  • SUP18843 (Parent Paper: The Fezouata fossils of Morocco; an extraordinary record of marine life in the Early Ordovician. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18842 (Parent Paper: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) records synsedimentary deformation kinematics at Pico del Aguila anticline, Pyrenees, Spain. Appearing in Palaeomagnetism in Fold and Thrust Belts: New Perspectives. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 425)
  • SUP18841 (Parent Paper: Integration of palaeomagnetic data, basement-cover relationships and theoretical calculations to characterize the obliquity of the Altomira–Loranca structures (central Spain). Appearing in Palaeomagnetism in Fold and Thrust Belts: New Perspectives. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 425)
  • SUP18840 (Parent Paper: A carbonate carbon isotope record for the late Givetian (Middle Devonian) Global Taghanic Biocrisis in the type region (northern Appalachian Basin). Appearing in Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423)
  • SUP18839 (Parent Paper: Palaeogene climate evolution in the Paris Basin from oxygen stable isotope (δ18O) compositions of marine molluscs. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18838 (Parent Paper: 40Ar/39Ar phlogopite geochronology of lamprophyre dykes in Cornwall, UK: new age constraints on Early Permian post-collisional magmatism in the Rhenohercynian Zone, SW England. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18837 (Parent Paper: Distinguishing diapirs from inflated plutons: an integrated rock magnetic fabric and structural study on the Roundstone Pluton, western Ireland. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18836 Parent Paper: Peridotitic minerals of the Nidar Ophiolite in the NW Himalaya: sourced from the depth of the mantle transition zone and above. Appearing in Tectonics of the Himalaya. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 412)
  • SUP18835 (Parent Paper: New constraints on the timing of partial melting and
    deformation along the Nyalam section (central Himalaya): implications for extrusion models. Appearing in Tectonics of the Himalaya. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 412)
  • SUP18834 (Parent Paper: Contrasting mechanisms for crustal sulphur contamination of mafic magma: evidence from dyke and sill complexes from the British Palaeogene Igneous Province. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18833 (Parent Paper: Importance of crustal relamination in origin of the orogenic mantle peridotite–high-pressure granulite association: example from the Náměšť Granulite Massif (BohemianMassif, Czech Republic). Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18832 (Parent Paper: Metamorphic and age constraints on crustal reworking in the western H.U. Sverdrupfjella: implications for the evolution of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18831 (Parent Paper: Structure and sedimentology of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula: implications for ice-sheet dynamics and landform development. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18830 (Parent Paper: Late Quaternary beach deposits and archaeological relicts on the coasts of Cyprus, and the possible implications of sea-level changes and tectonics on the early populations. Appearing in Geology and Archaeology: Submerged Landscapes of the Continental Shelf. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 411)
  • SUP18829 (Parent Paper: A major dyke swarm in the Ogaden region south of Afar and the early evolution of the Afar triple junction. Appearing in Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 420)
  • SUP18828 (Parent Paper: Geochemical and mineralogical dispersal in till from the Mount Polley Cu-Au porphyry deposit, central British Columbia, Canada. Appearing in Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 2015)
  • SUP18827 (Parent Paper: Zircon provenance of SW Caledonian phyllites reveals a distant Timanian sediment source. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18825 (Parent Paper: Morphological evolution of Stephanodiscus (Bacillariophyta) in Lake Biwa from a 300 ka fossil record. Appearing in The Micropalaeontological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18824 (Parent Paper: Palaeomagnetism, geochronology and geochemistry of the Palaeoproterozoic Rabbit Creek and Powder River dyke swarms: implications for Wyoming in supercraton Superia. Appearing in Supercontinent Cycles Through Earth History. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 424)
  • SUP18823 (Parent Paper: Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the c. 780–730 Ma Beck Spring Dolomite: Basin Formation in the core of Rodini. Appearing in Supercontinent Cycles Through Earth History. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 424)
  • SUP18822 (Parent Paper: Metallogeny and its link to orogenic style during the Nuna supercontinent cycle. Appearing in Supercontinent Cycles Through Earth History. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 424)
  • SUP18821 (Parent Paper: Preservation of a fragmented late Neoproterozoic–earliest Cambrian hyper-extended continental-margin sequence in the Australian Delamerian Orogen. Appearing in Sedimentary Basins and Crustal Processes at Continental Margins: From Modern Hyper-extended Margins to Deformed Ancient Analogues. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 413)
  • SUP18820 (Parent Paper: Timescales of crustal magma reservoir processes: insights from U-series crystal ages. Appearing in Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422)
  • SUP18819 (Parent Paper: Timescales of mingling in shallow magmatic reservoirs. Appearing in Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422)
  • SUP18818 (Parent Paper: Conditions for mafic magma storage beneath fissure zones at oceanic islands. The case of São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago). Appearing in Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422)
  • SUP18817 (Parent Paper: Resolving discordant U–Th–Ra ages: constraints on petrogenetic processes of recent effusive eruptions at Tatun Volcano Group, northern Taiwan. Appearing in Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422)
  • SUP18816 (Parent Paper: Mafic magma replenishment, unrest and eruption in a caldera setting: insights from the 2006 eruption of Rabaul (Papua New Guinea). Appearing in Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422)
  • SUP18815 (Parent Paper: The temporal record of magmatism at Cerro Uturuncu, Bolivian Altiplano Appearing in Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 422)
  • SUP18814 (Parent Paper: U–Pb zircon constraints on obduction initiation of the Unst Ophiolite: an oceanic core complex in the Scottish Caledonides? Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society) 
  • SUP18813 (Parent Paper: Magmatic activity across the East African North Tanzanian Divergence Zone. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18812 (Parent Paper: Significance of detrital zircons in Siluro-Devonian rocks from Iberia. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015) 
  • SUP18811 (Parent Paper: The impact of oxidation on spore and pollen. Appearing in Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2015)
  • SUP18810 (Parent Paper: TEM study on particles transported by ascending gas flow in the Kaxiutata iron deposit, Inner Mongolia, North China. Appearing in Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 2015)
  • SUP18809 (Parent Paper: Subaerial speleothems and deep karst in central Sweden linked to Hirnantian glaciations. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015) 
  • SUP18808 (Parent Paper: New insights into the genesis of the Miocene collapse structures of the island of Gozo (Malta, central Mediterranean Sea). Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015) 
  • SUP18807 (Parent Paper: Distribution of mafic sills in the Transvaal Supergroup, northeastern South Africa. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015) 
  • SUP18806 (Parent Paper: Dynamic weakening along incipient low-angle normal faults in pelagic limestones (Southern Apennines, Italy). Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015) 
  • SUP18803 (Parent Paper: The Fram Slide off Svalbard: a submarine landslide on a low sedimentation-rate glacial continental margin. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18801 (Parent Paper: Crustal structure and high-resolution Moho topography across the Rwenzori region (Albertine rift) from P-receiver functions. Appearing in Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 420) 
  • SUP18798 (Parent Paper: High-precision U–Pb zircon age constraints on the duration of rapid biogeochemical events during the Ludlow Epoch (Silurian Period). Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18797 (Parent Paper: Silurian flysch successions of Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada, and their significance to northern Caledonian palaeogeography and tectonics. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)
  • SUP18793 (Parent Paper: Provenance, timing of sedimentation and metamorphism of metasedimentary rock suites from the Southern Granulite Terrane, India. Appearing in Precambrian Basins of India: Stratigraphic and Tectonic Context. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 43)
  • SUP18787 (Parent Paper: Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformations in the Raggyorcaka area, Tibet: implications for the tectonic evolution of the North Qiangtang terrane. Appearing in Journal of the Geological Society, 2015)