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Continuous Publication

From January 2021 The Geological Society changed to a continuous publication model for the following journals:

Journal of the Geological Society

Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 

Petroleum Geoscience

Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis

Scottish Journal of Geology

Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society

Under the continuous publication model, as soon as an article is ready to be published, it will be immediately assigned to an issue online rather than waiting for other articles in the issue to be completed, resulting in faster access to the final version of the article. This FAQs page provides further information on our new publishing model; if you have further queries, please get in touch.

What is continuous publication?

Issues will build gradually, with articles being added to the contents list as soon as they are ready. The ‘issue in progress’ is the issue that is open and to which we are adding new articles as soon as they are ready to be published. Issues are completed based on the volume of content and the journal’s individual publishing schedule. Once complete, an issue will be closed and will remain available to access via the journal’s ‘All issues’ link. Any new articles will then be placed in the next open issue.

Why have we introduced continuous publication?

We are committed to making research available for the community as quickly as possible, which is beneficial for both readers and authors.

What is the difference between continuous publication and the posting of accepted manuscripts?

Accepted Manuscripts are peer-reviewed, author manuscripts that have not yet been copy-edited or professionally formatted. In our new continuous publication model, an accepted manuscript will still be posted in PDF form on our Accepted Manuscripts page. We then publish the copy-edited and formatted article online as soon as it is ready; this is the version of record, which replaces the Accepted Manuscript.

If I spot an error in my published article, can I still correct it?

As the final version of record, the article cannot be adjusted for minor corrections or typos; for significant errors or inaccuracies, see our corrections and retractions policy.

Will the online journals have traditional page numbering?

No, consecutive page numbering within an issue is not compatible with the continuous publication model. However, to aid reading of the PDF, each individual article will still be numbered, starting from page 1. For citation purposes, each article will have an article ID (the article submission number) that will be clearly visible at the top of the first page of every article.

All journals ceased printing between 2021 and 2023. All book series titles will continue to be available as print copies.

Will there be any changes to the way articles are cited?

Accepted manuscripts should be cited using the digital object identifier (DOI) as follows:

Author, A., Author, B.C. and Author D.E. In press. Title of paper here. Journal name,

As articles will no longer have consecutive page numbering within an online issue, page numbers will not be used in citations and will instead be replaced by the article ID and DOI.

Therefore, after the article has appeared in an issue, either in progress or in the latest complete issue, use the citation format:

Author, A., Author B.C. and Author D.E. XXXX. Title of paper here. Journal name, Volume, article ID,

For example:

Phillips, T.B. and Magee, C. 2020. Structural controls on the location, geometry and longevity of an intraplate volcanic system: the Tuatara Volcanic Field, Great South Basin, New Zealand. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 177, jgs2020-002,

Does continuous publication affect the number of issues published?

The journals will continue to publish the standard number of issues, as per the 2020 volume. For clarity, these are:
  • JGS: 6 issues
  • QJEGH: 4 issues
  • PG: 4 issues
  • GEEA: 4 issues
  • SJG: 2 issues
  • PYGS: 2 issues
Any future updates to number of issues published will be communicated with the readership in advance via the journal websites.

What does continuous publication mean for the email alerts I receive?

Under continuous publication we will offer you flexibility in the alerts you receive. Please change your alert preferences at any time. 

If you would like to be kept up-to-date about any other journal or Society news, such as calls for papers, upcoming special issues, journal meetings, or grant opportunities, please sign up on the Society’s site

Due to data protection regulations we are only allowed to email you about these important announcements if you give us consent to do so. We will never sell your details to third parties and we will only email you with news that we genuinely believe is relevant for you, about the journal(s) of your interest, or the Society’s charitable grants. You can also follow the Geological Society on "X".