24 - 25 November 2016
Organised by:
Geological Society Events
The Geological Society, Burlington House
Event status:
In November 2016 we were pleased to convene the first of the Society’s new series of flagship conferences, the Bryan Lovell Meetings.
This is a new style of interdisciplinary meeting aimed at bringing together expertise from a wide range of professions and specialisms to contribute to the understanding of societal challenges and how our science can help address them. This meeting brought together the Society’s chosen scientific themes for 2016 (Year of Water) and 2017 (Year of Risk) through a wide-ranging programme that promoted the cross-fertilisation of ideas and information across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
The meeting focused on the geoscientific aspects of water and risk and how they intersect in the context of societal challenges such as environmental change and water-related geohazards, including flooding, tsunami, sinkholes and mudflows. It also addressed human and economic impacts, communication, perception and awareness-raising around these issues, in the UK and globally.
An important aspect of the meeting was exploring case studies to consider what insights and understanding can be shared across sectors and applications.
Conference themes
- Managing uncertainty and water-related geohazards in the geological realm including groundwater flooding, gravity flows, sinkholes and tsunami
- Water and environmental change: improving understanding, resilience and communication of the risks, including those related to climate change (drought, sea-level change, flooding, glacier retreat, ocean acidification), waste disposal and groundwater contamination
- Improving perception, awareness and effective communication of the risks posed by water-related geohazards
- Risks posed by water-related geohazards to people and society, including water security, risk to corporate and personal capital, engineering of the subsurface, ongoing urbanisation and the water-energy nexus

Geology for Society
Many of the topics and themes covered in the Bryan Lovell Meetings are discussed more fully in the our report ‘Geology for Society’ which was published in 2014.
A European version was later published in 2015 in 13 European languages.
Speakers Talks and presentations
Day 1
Policy Briefing
Ian Boyd, Chief Scientific Adviser to Defra
Water hazards and risk: societal challenges from a policy perspective
Panel discussion and Q&A
Sarah Gordon, Satarla Risk Management and Council Member
Risk, uncertainty and the Bow Tie Method of understanding risk
Session 1 - Water: a Resource and a Hazard
Kevin Hiscock, University of East Anglia
Risks to water supply and quality associated with overexploitation of groundwater resources
Paul Nathanail, Land Quality Management Ltd and University of Nottingham
Risks of novel groundwater treatments: Lessons for nano remediation
Andrew McKenzie, British Geological Survey
Too little, too much or both? UK hydrogeological hazards
Session 2 - Environmental Change
Rob Lamb, Lancaster University and JBA Consulting
Keynote: Challenges and opportunities for evidence-based improvements in flood resilience
Charlotte Adams, Durham University
Tensions and Complementarity in the Water-energy Nexus
Paul Eastwood, Opus International
Ground instability, land use and the impact of historic chalk mining; add water for "the perfect storm". Lessons from the St Albans Sinkhole Collapse, October 2015
Clive Carpenter, GWP Consultants
Drinking Water Security - risk based decision making for communities to reduce disaster risks and increase resilience to climate change.
Peter Styles, Keele University
Sinkholes, Man-Made Earthquakes and Weather
Day 2
Session 3 - Working with Risk: Intervention, management, mitigation and strategy
Jenny Cooke, Network Rail
David Giles, University of Portsmouth
Quaternary geological ground models for the reduction of engineering risk
Dickie Whitaker, Lighthill Risk Network and Oasis Loss Modelling Framework
How to link Academia and the RE(In)surance Industry to mutual benefit
Peter Easton, Easton Water Consulting
Corporate water risk and stewardship. Its current status and future potential
Katie Hill, Hatch
Mining and water conservation
Mark Fermor, ESI Consulting
The Role of Groundwater in Risk from Flooding in England: Methodologies, analysis and preliminary findings
Fola Ogunyoye, Royal HaskoningDHV
Accounting for Residual Uncertainty in flood and coastal risk management
Session 4 - Effective communication and improving public understanding and perception of risk
Robert Muir-Wood, Risk Management Solutions
Keynote: Are Catastrophe models converging on reality or is reality slipping away?
Alison Anderson, Plymouth University
Communicating Uncertainty: The language of risk and climate change
Hazel Gibson, Plymouth University
Rivers Underground: persistent public conceptualisations of water in the geological subsurface and how that can impact on communications
Oliver Lindridge, Kingston University
Investigating Tsunami evacuation strategies to reduce the risk to life in Menorca
Discussion Session
Outputs and recommendations to policymakers
- Paul Howlett (Royal HaskoningDHV and Hydrogeology Group)
- Florence Bullough (The Geological Society)
- Paul Nathanail (University of Nottingham and Land Quality Management)
- David Jones(Natural Resources Wales)
- Sally Thompson (Radioactive Waste Management)
- Kevin Hiscock (University of East Anglia)
- Sarah Gordon (SATARLA Risk Management)
2016 was The Geological Society's Year of Water.