Relevant organisations and websites
LGBT Foundation – A national charity based in Manchester. It campaigns for a fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people are able to reach their full potential. They work in partnership with others to build strong, cohesive and influential LGBT communities.
Consortium – A membership organisation helping to strengthen and support LGBT+ groups, organisations and projects so that they can deliver direct services and campaign for individual right.
Diversity Role Models - seeks to embed inclusion and empathy in the next generation. Its mission is to create an education system in which every young person will know they are valued and supported, whoever they are.
Switchboard - provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through Instant Messaging. Providing a safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being.
Equality Network - a national organisation working for LGBT rights and equality in Scotland. They include a range of publications on their resource page that you van view or download.
ILGA World – The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association is a member organisation campaigning for LGBT+ rights through advocacy and research projects. You can access information on issues covering sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristic on their resource page.
Mindout – is a mental health service run by and for the LGBT community.
Kaleidoscope Trust - Established in 2011, Kaleidoscope Trust is a UK-based charity focused on fighting for the human rights of LGBT+ people across the Commonwealth.
Galop – provides confidential, independent advice and support to all LGBT+ people who’ve experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence. Their resource page includes reports on myriad topics of interest where you can view or download.
Pride in STEM - is a charitable trust raising the profile of LGBT+ people in science, technology, engineering and maths.
500 Queer Scientists - A visibility campaign for LGBTQ+ people and their allies working in STEM and STEM-supporting jobs. Ensuring the next STEM generation has LGBTQ+ role models.
LGBTQ+STEM – An organisation showcasing LGBTQ+ people in the STEM fields, highlighting the diversity of people that can be found in roles all across the STEM disciplines.
STEM Equals – An EPSRC funded project under the Inclusion Matters initiative, STEM Equals is a four year research and impact project focused on creating more inclusive STEM communities for women and LGBT people in both academia and in industry.
Resources and articles of interest
Five ways to support LGBTQ+ people in science – The National Centre for Atmospheric Science offers 5 key suggestions to support LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community.
More than one in 10 girls think that STEM careers are more suited towards boys – A report by the Institution of Engineering and Technology found that over a quarter of respondents identifying as LGBT opted against pursuing a STEM career over fears of discrimination.
LGBT Stories from ICE - The Institute of Civil Engineers shares stories and experiences of LGBTQ+ engineers within various engineering related industries.
LGBTQIA+ in the field – A GeoLog blog published by the European Geosciences Union highlighting the risks LGBTQ+ people may experience in filed based work.
The Challenges of Fieldwork for LGBTQ+ Geoscientists – a blog published on that draws attention to the unique issues that travelling for research poses for LGBTQ+ scientists.
Exploring the workplace for LGBT+ physical scientists – A collaborative report by the IOP, RAS and RSC looking at the barriers hindering inclusive environments and showcasing examples of good practice by some employers.
Pride in the field – A collection of blog posts focusing on LGBTQ+ topics hosted on the Geography Directions platform.
STEM needs to face up to its problem with LGBT diversity – A blog article hosted on the Imperial Medicine Blog arguing the importance of making STEM LGBT-inclusive, from improving visibility to expanding diversity initiatives to include LGBT people.
Out in the open: Is science LGBT-friendly? – An opinion piece in New Scientist looking at how sexuality can still be a divisive factor in some workplaces.
Most gay and lesbian researchers are out in the lab – According to an article in Nature (524, page275 (2015)), LGBT scientists feel more accepted in the workplace than their peers in other professions.
LGBTQ+ issues in STEM diversity – An article published by Boston University discussing how science focused only on finding the truth can stifle discussions such as sexual identity leading to an unwelcoming atmosphere.
Coming out in STEM – a blog post on the Royal Society of Biology’s website highlighting what factors can impact the likelihood of a person to be out in the workplace or when studying.
Increasing the visibility of LGBTQ+ researchers in STEM – A Lancet article (VOL 397, ISSUE 10269, P77-79, JANUARY 09, 2021) highlighting how crucial visibility is in fostering a sense of individual belonging and security for LGBTQ+ people.