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Seismic Geomorphology: Subsurface Analyses, Data Integration and Palaeoenvironment Reconstructions

Product Code: SP525
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by A.M.W. Newton, K.J. Andresen, K.J. Blacker, R. Harding and E. Lebas
Publication Date: 26 March 2024
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Special Publication 525

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Since the last Special Publication on seismic geomorphology, the application of seismic data has grown substantially, revolutionizing our understanding of basin evolution in the process. The papers collected here are from a range of different environments, consisting of glacial, fluvial, volcanic, deltaic and slope settings. This work provides insight into the direction of travel for seismic geomorphological analyses and how the science has evolved since 2007. New methods of data collection, processing, visualization, and the integration of new types of datasets, help to maximize the palaeoenvironmental knowledge that can be derived from such studies. Many of these studies integrate different methods and datasets, such as machine learning and borehole petrophysics, or even combine (re)assessments of newly released legacy data to explore subsurface characteristics at scales never observed before. This provides significant new knowledge on not just palaeoenvironments, but also what generates seismic reflectivity in the subsurface. The study of seismic geomorphology remains in its infancy and much exciting research potential is yet to be realized.

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Published online on the Lyell Collection 16 March 2024

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781786205728
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 344
Weight: 0.95 kg


Newton, A. M. W., Andresen, K. J., Blacker, K. J., Harding, R. and Lebas, E. Seismic geomorphology: subsurface analyses, data integration and palaeoenvironment reconstructions – an introduction

Andresen, K. J., Hepp, D. A., Keil, H. and Spiess, V. Seismic morphologies of submerged late glacial to Early Holocene landscapes at the eastern Dogger Bank, central North Sea Basin – implications for geo-archaeological potential

Smit, F. W. H. and Stemmerik, L. Seismic geomorphology of submarine landslides in the Chalk Group of the Danish Central Graben: implications for reservoir potential

Bellwald, B., Manton, B., Lebedeva-Ivanova, N., Zastrozhnov, D., Myklebust, R., Planke, S., Forsberg, C. F., Vanneste, M. and Locat, J. Rapid glacial sedimentation and overpressure in oozes causing large craters on the mid-Norwegian margin: integrated interpretation of the Naust, Kai and Brygge formations

Newton, A. M. W., Montelli, A., Batchelor, C. L., Bellwald, B., Harding, R., Huuse, M., Dowdeswell, J. A., Ottesen, D., Johansen, S. E. and Planke, S. Glacial seismic geomorphology and Plio-Pleistocene ice sheet history offshore NW Europe

Buckley, F. A., Carnell, A. C., Al-Maskari, S. and Cottee, L. Frequency-dependent Amplitude Versus Offset analysis of a Cenozoic mass-transport deposit on the Namibian slope

Scarselli, N. Exploring the predictive power of seismic geomorphology to assess sedimentary characteristics of gravity-flow deposits: examples from offshore East and West Africa reservoirs

Olobayo, O. and Huuse, M. 3D seismic analysis of Cenozoic slope deposits and fluid-flow phenomena along the Nigerian Transform Margin

Martinez, G. O., Sawyer, D. E. and Portnov, A. Seismic geomorphology of the Chandeleur submarine landslide in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Leopoldino Oliveira, K. M., Arroyo, A. V., Bedle, H. and Nepomuceno Filho, F. Insights into the geomorphology of the Ceará Basin, Brazil, by combining seismic attributes, machine learning, and rock-physics analyses

Keep, M., Lindhorst, K., Kuhnt, W. and Holbourn, A. Using shallow hydroacoustic data to image seafloor mass transport deposits on the North West Shelf of Australia: links to neotectonics

Ortiz-Sanguino, L. L., Tellez-Rodriguez, J. J. and Bedle, H. Multi-attribute geomorphological characterization of the Cenozoic deep-water strata in the Exmouth Plateau, Northern Carnarvon Basin: a contribution to the understanding of deep-water mixed carbonate–siliciclastic environments

Dobb, E. M., Magee, C., Jackson, C. A.-L., Lathrop, B. and Köpping, J. Impact of igneous intrusion and associated ground deformation on the stratigraphic record




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