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The Boundaries of the West African Craton

Product Code: SP297
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by N Ennih and J-P Liégeois
Publication Date: 21 May 2008
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The boundaries of rigid cratons can be affected by subsequent orogenic events, leading to ‘metacratonic’ characteristics not often properly recognized and still poorly understood. Major lithospheric thickening is absent and early events such as ophiolites are preserved; however, metacratonic boundaries are affected by major shear zones, abundant magmatism and mineralizations, and local high-pressure metamorphism.

West Africa, marked by the large Eburnian (c. 2 Ga) West African craton, the absence of Mesoproterozoic events, the major Pan-African (0.9-0.55 Ga) mobile belts that generated the Peri-Gondawanan terranes, and the weaker but enlightening Variscan and Alpine orogenies, is an excellent place for tackling this promising concept of metacratonization.

The papers in this book consider most of the West African craton boundaries, from the reworking of the Palaeoproterozoic terranes, through the Pan-African encircling terranes, the late Neoproterozoic-early Palaeozoic extension period and the Peri-Gondwanan terranes, the Variscan imprint to the current situation.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781862392519
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 536
Weight: 1.35 kg



• The boundaries of the West African craton, with special reference to the basement of the Moroccan metacratonic Anti-Atlas belt, N Ennih & J-P Liégeois

The Palaeoproterozoic terranes from the West African craton and their reworking

• REE patterns, Nd–Sm and U–Pb ages of the metamorphic rocks of the Diagorou–Darbani greenstone belt (Liptako, SW Niger): implication for Birimian (Palaeoproterozoic) crustal genesis, A Soumaila, P Henry, Z Garba & M Rossi
• Two Mesoarchaean terranes in the Reguibat shield of NW Mauritania, R M Key, S C Loughlin, M Gillespie, M Del Rio, M S A Horstwood, Q G Crowley, D P F Darbyshire, P E J Pitfield & P J Henney
• Geological setting of the Guelb Moghrein Fe oxide–Cu–Au–Co mineralization, Akjoujt area, Mauritania, J Kolb, F M Meyer, T Vennemann, R Hoffbauer, A Gerdes & G Sakellaris
• Possible primary sources of diamond in the North African diamondiferous province, M Kahoui, Y Mahdjoub & F V Kaminsky
• Geochronology and metamorphic P–T–X evolution of the Eburnean granulite- facies metapelites of Tidjenouine (Central Hoggar, Algeria): witness of the LATEA metacratonic evolution, A Bendaoud, K Ouzegane, G Godard, J-P Liégeois, J-R Kienast, O Bruguier & A Drareni
• First report of ultrahightemperature sapphirine + spinel + quartz and orthopyroxene + spinel + quartz parageneses discovered in Al–Mg granulites from the Khanfous area (In Ouzzal metacraton, Hoggar, Algeria), Z Adjerid, K Ouzegane, G Godard & J R Kienast

The Pan-African orogeny along the boundaries of the West African craton

• Review of the orogenic belts on the western side of the West African craton: the Bassarides, Rokelides and Mauritanides, M Villeneuve
• Neoproterozoic garnet-glaucophanites and eclogites: new insights for subduction metamorphism of the Gourma fold and thrust belt (eastern Mali), R Caby, F Buscail, D Dembélé, S Diakité, S Sacko & M Bal
• Tectonic significance of carbonatite and ultrahigh-pressure rocks in the Pan-African Dahomeyide suture zone, southeastern Ghana, K Attoh & P M Nude
• Mélanges and ophiolites during the Pan-African orogeny: the case of the Bou-Azzer ophiolite suite (Morocco), R Bousquet, R El Mamoun, O Saddiqi, B Goffé, A Möller & A Madi
• Gold mineralization in the Proterozoic Bleida ophiolite, Anti-Atlas, Morocco, A Belkabir, M Jébrak, L Maacha, M R Azizi Samir & A Madi
• Petrology and geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Siroua granitoids (central Anti-Atlas, Morocco): evolution from subduction related to within-plate magmatism A Touil, A Hafid, J Moutte & A El Boukhari

The late Neoproterozoic–early Palaeozoic extension along the West African craton and the Peri-Gondwanan terranes

• Late Neoproterozoic carbonate productivity in a rifting context: the Adoudou formation and its associated bimodal volcanism onlapping the western Saghro inlier, Morocco, J J Álvaro, M Macouin, H Ezzouhairi, A Charif, N Ait Ayad, M L Ribeiro.& M Ader
• The Cambrian volcano-sedimentary formations of the westernmost High Atlas (Morocco): their place in the geodynamic evolution of the West African Palaeo-Gondwana northern margin, A Pouclet, H Ouazzani & A Fekkak
• The magmatic evolution at the Moroccan outboard of the West African craton between the Late Neoproterozoic and the Early Palaeozoic, H Ezzouhairi, M L Ribeiro, N Ait Ayad, M E Moreira, A Charif, J M F Ramos, D P S De Oliveira, & C Coke
• Neoproterozoic–early Palaeozoic tectonostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the peri-Gondwanan terranes: Amazonian v. West African connections, R D Nance, J B Murphy, R A Strachan, J D Keppie, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, J Fernández-Suárez, C Quesada, U Linnemann, R D’Lemos & S A Pisarevsky
• Zircon U–Pb geochronology of paragneisses and biotite granites from the SW Iberian Massif (Portugal): evidence for a palaeogeographical link between the Ossa–Morena Ediacaran basins and the West African craton, M F Pereira, M Chichorro, I S Williams, & J B Silva
• Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic post-collisional felsic magmatism in NE Afyon area, western central Turkey,S Gürsu & M C Goncuoglu

The Variscan orogeny along the West African craton

• The Anti-Atlas chain (Morocco): the southern margin of the Variscan belt along the edge of the West African craton, A Soulaimani & M Burkhard
• Devonian extension of the Pan-African crust north of the West African craton, and its bearing on the Variscan foreland deformation: evidence from eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco), L Baidder, Y Raddi, M Tahiri & A Michard
• The ‘Rich’ group of the Drâa Basin (Lower Devonian, Anti-Atlas, Morocco): an integrated sedimentary and tectonic approach, H Ouanaimi.& N Lazreq
• Orogen-parallel tectonic transport: transpression and strain partitioning in the Mauritanides of NE Senegal, M Dabo, M Gueye, P M Ngom & M Diagne

The Cenozoic situation along the boundaries of West African craton

• Deep structure of the southeastern margin of the West African craton from seismic reflection data, offshore Ghana, K Attoh & L Brown
• A complex multi-chamber magmatic system beneath a late Cenozoic volcanic field: evidence from CSDs and thermobarometry of clinopyroxene from a single nephelinite flow (Djbel Saghro, Morocco) J Berger, N Ennih, J-P Liégeois, C Nkono, J-C Mercier, D & Demaiffe

• Index


Dan McCoy

An ambitious, academically rigorous, well-organized group of papers describing an area of the world that is both underexplored and understudied. It also highlights some of the recent high-level work being done at West African universities and research institutes.

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