Throughout 2018 we explored the sustainable extraction and use of natural resources through research conferences, lectures, our education programme and other activities. Outputs from the year are below.



Public lectures on
Click on the links to watch the lectures.
About the Year of Resources
Geology underpins the provision of most natural resources. Locating and extracting raw materials for industrial and consumer products and processes, and fossil fuels for energy, are also major contributors to the economy. New technologies are increasing demand for critical mineral resources such as Rare Earth Elements. There are competing pressures on mineral, water and energy resources. Reduced or changed patterns of supply and greater awareness of environmental impacts including climate change can lead to debate and even conflicts over allocation, with implications for economies and for society.
Challenges lead to opportunities and to innovation. The need to reconcile energy security, sustainability and affordability has stimulated interest in unconventional fossil fuels, nuclear power, carbon capture and storage and renewable energy. Understanding hydrogeology and groundwater contamination is essential to planning for our future water needs, including with regard to the energy sector. Research around mineral resources encompasses innovation in exploration, extraction and processing, as we seek improved efficiency and environmentally neutral processes, but is also increasingly framed by academic studies of global geochemical element cycling and behaviour.
The Year of Resources was an opportunity to showcase academic and applied research focusing on geological resources, to include energy, minerals and water. Events throughout the year involved academia and industry, economists and social scientists, and government bodies charged with securing the UK’s resources base, as well as partner societies and organisations.
Resources themed events that took place through the year
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Your search for events returned the following 34 results.
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34 results
23 - 24 November 2017
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
31 January 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
07 February 2018
Gay Hussar
Evening meeting
Social event
14 February 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
27 February - 01 March 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
28 March 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
09 - 10 April 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
11 April 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
24 April 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
Evening meeting
Social event
25 - 26 April 2018
The Geological Society, Burlington House, London
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34 results