Previously sponsored titles

Title page illustration from Gideon Mantell's 'A pictorial atlas of fossil remains…' (1850), sponsored in 2014 |
The Geological Society Library would like to thank the Fellows, Friends, Corporate Patrons and others whose generous donations have helped conserve some of our most important volumes from our collections.
However many of our books, maps and archives are still in need of repair and conservation. If you’d like to help, please see our main
Sponsor our Collections page.
Titles which have been saved
'Oeuvres de Bernard Palissy, revues sur les exemplaires de la bibliotheque du Roi' (1777)]
Sponsored by Dr. Michael Price and Dr. Michael Simms (2009)
James Nicol's 'Guide to the geology of Scotland; containing an account of the character, distribution, and more interesting appearances of its rocks and minerals' (1844)
Sponsored by the Donations Committee of Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd (2010)
Rene Just Hauy's 'Traité des caractères physiques des pierres précieuses, pour servir à leur détermination lorsqu’elles ont été taillées' (1817)
Sponsored by Professor Paul Henderson (2013)
Roderick Murchison’s ‘Siluria’ (1855) and two editions of Edward Hull’s 'Coal-fields of Great Britain' (1873 and 1881)
Sponsored by Dr Christopher Howells (2011)
W T Blanford’s 'Observations on the geology and zoology of Abyssinia, made during the progress of the British expedition to that country in 1867-68' (1870)
Sponsored by Dr Christopher Toland (2011)
Charles Lyell's 'The geological evidences of the antiquity of man: with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation'
Sponsored by Mr Francis Lees (2012)
Charles Bunbury's 'Journal of a residence at the Cape of Good Hope' (1848) & Pierre Lacoste's 'Lettres minéralogiques et géologiques sur les volcans de l'Auvergne' (1805)
Sponsored by Professor Richard Howarth (2009) and Mr John Henry (2009)
Georges Cuvier's 'Recherches sur les ossements fossiles de quadrupèdes' (1812)
Sponsored by Mr Anthony Brook, Mr Phil Clarke, Mr Warren Jones and Dr Richard Symonds (2009)
James Silk Buckingham's 'Travels among the Arab tribes inhabiting the countries east of Syria and Palestine' (1825)
Sponsored by Dr John Davey (2011)
Richard Owen's 'A history of British Fossil Reptiles' (1884)
Sponsored by the De Laszlo Foundation (2013)
'Geological atlas of China' (2002)
Sponsored by Mr Oscar Miron Valdespino (2011)
'El volcan de Paricutin' (1947)
Sponsored on behalf of Mr Martin King (2011)
Journal of the Geological Society (1884)
Sponsored by Mrs Margaret Dobson (2011)
'Recent sediments of the gulf of Paria' (1954)
Sponsored by Professor Alan Lord (July 2009)
Sir John Herschel's 'A treatise on astronomy' (1833)
Sponsored by Dr Sue Shawcross (2013)
William Topley's 'Geology of the Weald' (1875)
Sponsored by the John Daniels Fund of the London Branch of the Open University Geological Society (2014)
Arthur Smith Woodward's 'Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum (Natural History) Part IV: containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi' (1901)
Anonymous sponsor (2014)
Robert Bakewell's 'An introduction to geology' [Bakewell’s Geology] (1833)
Anonymous sponsor (2014)
Gideon Mantell's 'A pictorial atlas of fossil remains…' (1850)
Anonymous sponsor (2014)
Searles Valentine Wood Jnr 'A memoir in explanation of the structure of the glacial and post glacial beds....' (1867) [Archive ref: LDGSL/713/1]. Rare surviving, illustrated manuscript of Wood's paper which was published only in abbreviated form.
Sponsored by Dr Peter Riches (2015)
Letters and papers on scientific subjects submitted to the Society, 1808-1817 [Archive ref: LDGSL/1]. The earliest surviving volume of letters and papers sent to the Society to be read at the scientific meetings.
Sponsored by Professor Alan Lord, Stephen Palmer and Dr Susan Turner (2010).