Women in Science
Research Fellowships
Applications for the 2016 L’Oréal-UNESCO UK & Ireland
For Women in Science Fellowships are now open.
Deadline 11 March 2016

L’Oréal UK & Ireland, the UK National Commission for UNESCO and the Irish National Commission for UNESCO, with the support of the Royal Society have partnered together to provide a dedicated UK & Ireland For Women in Science Fellowship programme for women scientists at post-doctoral level to enable and/or facilitate promising scientific research in the life and physical sciences.
Five Fellowships will be awarded in 2016 to outstanding women scientists in the early stages of their career to enable and/or facilitate promising scientific research. The Fellowships are tenable at any UK or Irish university or research institute to support a 12-month period of postdoctoral research in any area of life, physical and computer sciences, engineering and mathematics.
The Fellowship money can be spent in any number of innovative ways to enable women scientists to pursue their careers and facilitate world class research - such as buying equipment, paying for childcare or funding travel costs to an overseas conference.
Key Dates Further Information
Applications open: Thursday 28 January Download the Application terms and conditions.
Shortlist published: Monday 30 May Closing date for applications is midnight (GMT) Friday 11 March 2016
Awards ceremony: Wednesday 22 June
Explore the data for countries worldwide
Just 30% of the world’s researchers are women. While a growing number of women are enrolling in university, many opt out at the highest levels required for a research career. But a closer look at the data reveals some surprising exceptions. For example, in Bolivia, women account for 63% researchers, compared to France with a rate of 26% or Ethiopia at 8%.
Women in Science, a new interactive tool, presents the latest available data for countries at all stages of development. Produced by the Unesco Institute for Statistics, the tool lets you explore and visualize gender gaps in the pipeline leading to a research career, from the decision to get a doctorate degree to the fields of research women pursue and the sectors in which they work.
- Click the 'Start' button on the embedded tool below to explore the data, or access the tool on the UNESCO website.
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