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Geological Society Awards 2024 Winners

27 February 2024

It is with great delight that the Geological Society announces the 2024 Society Award and Fund winners. 

The formal presentation and celebration of the Awards and Funds will take place on President’s Day on 12 June 2024 at Burlington House, London. Please see the full list of 2024 recipients further below.

Professor Trond Helge TorsvikThe Society’s highest award, the Wollaston Medal, is awarded in 2024 to Professor Trond Helge Torsvik, Professor in Geodynamics at University of Oslo. First awarded in 1831 to William Smith, the Wollaston Medal is given to geoscientists who have had a significant influence by means of a substantial body of excellent research in either or both 'pure' and 'applied' aspects of the science. Prof Torsvik on receiving the confidential news mid-December responded that it was “a wonderful ‘Christmas’ present”. Torsvik is acclaimed as being the first to quantitatively link the large low-velocity seismic structures in the deep mantle with the surface evolution of volcanism in the form of Large Igneous Provinces, one of the most important advances in geosciences over the past two decades. Latterly, he expanded the correlation to the eruption sites of diamond-bearing kimberlites. Torsvik also played a key role in the establishment of The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED) at the University of Oslo in 2013. Past recognition of his huge scientific contributions includes the Leopold von Buch award in 2013 from the German Geological Society for outstanding contributions to the understanding of geodynamics and the Arthur Holmes Medal & Honorary Membership from the European Geosciences Union in 2015. 

The Lyell, Murchison and William Smith Medals are the three other most highly regarded medals and are awarded for both the breadth and depth of a recipient’s contributions and achievements.

Professor Lynne Frostick CBE, Emeritus Professor University of Hull, is awarded the 2024 Lyell Medal, which recognises geologists whose research has made a significant contribution to 'soft' rock studies. Professor Frostick’s many contributions to geoscience range from investigating the evolution of river systems in the East African Rift to innovative technologies in recycling and waste processing receiving in 2009 the Yorkshire Post’s Environmental Champion Award. Her work following floods in Hull in 2007 is credited with informing the Pitt Review of the flooding which was greatly influential in shaping UK flood policy. Professor Frostick, the second female President of the Geological Society from 2008 to 2010, has received a number of accolades for her work including a CBE in 2022 for services to Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management. Although now retired, her work continues as a champion for adapting to climate change in the Humber, and as Emeritus Professorship in the Energy and Environment Institute, guiding and mentoring the next generation of scientists and enhancing opportunities for women in STEM careers. Frostick received the 2009 Woman of Outstanding Achievement for STEM leadership.

The Murchison Medal is awarded to geologists who have contributed significantly to 'hard' rock studies. The 2024 Murchison Medal is awarded to Professor David Pyle, Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford. Pyle is an internationally recognised volcanologist who has made outstanding contributions to understanding volcanic deposits and processes, using pioneering methods to characterise and classify tephra fall deposits and infer erupted volumes. Highlights of his work include his research on the frequency and triggers of eruptions, the geochemistry of gas emissions, the effects of volcanism on climate, environment and society, and on understanding volcanic risk. Professor Pyle was the first Academic Director of Oxford’s Doctoral Training Partnership in Environmental Research from 2013-2022. He is a keen collaborator and was involved in the STREVA project (2012-2019) – Strengthening Resilience in Volcanic Areas and is currently part of The Oxford Martin Programme on Rethinking Natural Resources. He is also committed to public engagement and has written two popular books and curated two exhibitions, one on volcanoes at the Bodleian in 2017 and more recently on the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa with Google Arts and Culture.

Dr Jacqueline Skipper receives the 2024 William Smith Medal, awarded for excellence in applied and economic aspects of geology. Dr Jacqueline Skipper, Senior Consultant at the Geotechnical Consulting Group, is well known for her work as a consulting geologist in ground investigation and construction. She is highly regarded in the civil engineering industry for her effectiveness in disseminating her research knowledge to non-geologists. She has provided significant input into major tunnelling and infrastructure projects including Crossrail (now the Elizabeth Line), Dublin Port Tunnel, Thames Water Tideway Project, the Northern Line Extension, Lower Thames Crossing, High Speed One and High Speed Two. Although though now ‘semi-retired’, organisations continue to seek her out for her knowledge, advice and renowned training programmes. Dr Skipper has lectured around the world and has spoken on radio and television programmes as a geological authority due to her knowledge, enthusiasm and communication skills. She is a great advocate of Project Specific Geological Training for project ground risk reduction and has done pioneering work in training geologists to recognise and consistently log the sub-units of the Lambeth Group and London Clay (strata found beneath the London and Hampshire Basins) in ground investigations. In 2010 she received the Geological Society Engineering Group Award, in 2017 she was awarded the 18th Glossop Medal, and in 2020 she co-received the Geologists’ Association Richardson Award.

The Society looks forward to the formal awards ceremony on 12 June with more details of the day to be shared via its magazine Geoscientist, website and social media channels.

Below is the full list of 2024 award winners honoured for their contributions to the geosciences and the geoscience profession.

The Geological Society 2024 Awards in full:

Wollaston Medal
  Prof Trond Helge Torsvik, University of Oslo
Lyell Medal    Prof Lynne Frostick CBE, University of Hull
Murchison Medal    Prof David Pyle, University of Oxford
William Smith Medal    Dr Jacqueline Skipper, Geotechnical Consulting Group LLP
Sue Tyler Friedman Medal 
PD Dr Martina Kölbl-Ebert, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich 
Dewey Medal
  Prof Rob Strachan, University of Portsmouth
Coke Medal   Prof Iain Stewart, Royal Scientific Society, Jordan
Distinguished Service Award   Jennifer Brzozowska, Oil and Gas Authority (Retired)
R H Worth Medal   Prof John Howell, University of Aberdeen 
Bigsby Medal    Prof Daniela Schmidt, University of Bristol 
Wollaston Fund    Dr Jennifer Jenkins, Durham University 
Lyell Fund    Dr Leonardo Muniz Pichel, University of Bergen 
Murchison Fund    Dr Lara Mani, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge 
William Smith Fund    Dr Luke Wedmore, Verisk Extreme Event Solutions 
President’s Award   Princess Aira Buma-at , Department of Zoology and Museum of Zoology, University of Cambridge 
President’s Award    Mónica Alejandra Gómez Correa, Universität Hamburg and GeoLatinas 


1. The Geological Society of London, founded 1807 is a learned and professional body, of c. 11,600 Earth scientists with a remit to investigate, interpret, discuss, inform and advise on the nature and processes of the Earth, their practical importance to humanity, and, in the interests of the public, to promote professional excellence. The Society offers advice to Parliament and Government, at individual and corporate levels. Registered Charity No. 210161.

2. The presentation of the Society Awards will be held at The Geological Society – Burlington House on President’s Day on 12 June 2024. It will be a hybrid event and made available online.

3. You can find out more about the Society Awards here .