2017 - The Year of Risk
5 September 2016
Following two successful themed years, the Geological Society has named 2017 the Year of Risk. Throughout the year, we will be exploring the concept of risk in the context of the geosciences, through research conferences, public events and education activities.
‘As Earth’s population grows, the risks associated with a range of geohazards have intensified dramatically, particularly in the developing world’ says GSL Science Committee chair Marie Edmonds. ‘We also need to confront ever-more complex risks associated with our growing demand for resources – water, minerals and energy – including supply security , financial and environmental risks.
‘These issues fall within the remit of the geoscientist, and are likely to affect future generations to an even greater degree than ours.’
As well as exploring the nature and causes of geohazards, the Year of Risk will provide an opportunity to share and debate emerging research into the science of risk, the public perception of risk and risk management.
‘The geoscience community faces a challenge; how do we engage policy makers and translate our understanding of science and hazards into risk assessment that can be understood by a range of stakeholders? We hope the Year of Risk will bring us closer to answering these questions.’
Events throughout the year will involve scientists, policy makers, social scientists, economists, insurers, the media and modellers. The 2016 Bryan Lovell Meeting, ‘Water, hazards and risks’, taking place on 24-25 November, will mark the handover from 2016’s Year of Water.
To view the full programme, visit www.geolsoc.org.uk/risk17