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Online Training: Geological Hazards: Their Occurrence, Monitoring and Mitigation - Land Contamination and Brownfield Sites

10 June 2025
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Event type:
Contributes to CPD, Online Training, Virtual event
Organised by:
Geological Society Events, Online Training, Geohazards
Virtual event
Event status:

Course overview

Risks of Brownfield Land

Geology can be a source of natural or anthropogenic contamination, as well as a pathway or barrier to contaminant migration and, as groundwater, a receptor in its own right. This course will provide an overview of geological sources of contamination across the British Isles. Such contamination needs to be considered in evaluating proposed development sites as well as protecting existing uses from harm or pollution.

Heavy metals at levels that can exceed soil screening levels are encountered in clays of several periods. Such natural contaminants are often characterised by low bioavailability. Mineralised areas, whether historically mined or not, are characterised by very high levels of metals that may require remediation despite their usually low bioavailability.

Decomposition of natural materials and waste can release biogenic methane that can migrate and ignite. Ignition of slower release of geogenic methane from specific formations has been associated with several tragic accidents. Inhalation of naturally released carcinogenic radon gas is linked to over 1000 deaths per year. Carbon dioxide and other hazardous ground gases are also associated with specific formations.

Anthropogenic sources of contamination are associated with historic land uses, waste disposal, spread of made ground, accidents and military activities.


This course will be taking place on 10 June 2025 at 16:00 BST, and will last for approximately 1.5 hours, depending on audience participation.


Paul Nathanail, CGeol/EurGeol

Paul Nathanail is a Chartered Geologist and Specialist in Land Condition. He is the Technical Director of specialist consultants Land Quality Management, and past chair of the National Brownfield Forum and DlSiLC board of directors. His 2009 Glossop lecture is a good reference to support this lecture in the absence of a chapter in EGSP 29.


This course will be delivered virtually via Zoom. Joining details will be sent out the day prior, alongside any course materials that may be needed.

Fees (including early-bird rate)

  Early-bird rate
(until 10 April 2025)

After 10 April 2025
Fellow £81 £90
Non-Fellow £162 £180
Student Member £16 £18
Student Non-Member £32 £36
Corporate Patron £81 £90
GSA Member £97 £108

* Early-bird discount applicable for all registrations until 10 April 2025. Simply select your delegate type on the registration form and the discount will be applied and reflected in the payment section at the bottom of the registration form.*

The Geological Society of America (GSA) members discount

We offer a generous 40% discount off our Non-Fellow rate to members of the Geological Society of America (GSA). A discount code must be quoted on the registration form in order to take advantage of the discount. If you are a member of GSA and do not have the discount code, please email [email protected] with proof of your membership.

Group Discounts

We offer competitive group discounts on all Training Courses:
5 – 9 delegates: 20% off
10 – 14 delegates: 25% off
15 delegates or more: 30% off

For more information on how to access the Group Discount, please email [email protected]


We offer students a generous discount. Please verify your student status by either registering with your student email address, or uploading a photograph of your student identification/acceptance letter.

The Society offers a limited number of concessionary rates for those in financial hardship. Contact [email protected] (Please note you may be required to provide details/evidence to support your application for this.)

If you require an invoice to register for this course, please email [email protected]

Registration will close 24 hours before the event takes place.

GSL reserves the right to postpone or cancel a Training Course in the event of low interest. In this instance, a full refund will be offered for registration fees.

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