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Cretaceous Project 200, Volume 1: The Cretaceous World

Product Code: SP544
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M.B. Hart, S.J. Batenburg, B.T. Huber, G.D. Price, N. Thibault, M. Wagreich, I. Walaszczyk
Publication Date: 31 March 2025 (not yet published)
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Special Publication 544

This title is a work in progress. Selected articles are available online from the Lyell Collection.

The Cretaceous was first mentioned in the legend of a geological map, largely centred on France, published in 1822 by Jean Baptiste Julien d’Omalius d’Halloy. Two hundred years of research have demonstrated that the Cretaceous records some of the highest sea levels, atmospheric temperatures and extreme events in Earth history. It was also a time of significant palaeogeographical changes and continental fragmentation. This volume draws together a collection of papers that demonstrate these particularly Cretaceous events of warm climates, sea-level change and the impact of major volcanic events on the fauna and flora of the time. Geochemical and stable isotope data are used to interpret these changing environments and their impact on the Cretaceous ecosystem. The volume closes with a description of the recent drilling of the Chicxulub bolide impact site.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781786206015
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 592
Weight: kg


Hart, M. B., Batenburg, S. J., Huber, B. T., Price, G. D., Thibault, N., Wagreich, M. and Walaszczyk, I. P. The Cretaceous World

Hart, M. B. Prologue: the founding of the Cretaceous System

Scotese, C. R., Vérard, C., Burgener, L., Elling, R. P. and Kocsis, A. T. The Cretaceous world: plate tectonics, palaeogeography and palaeoclimate

Ando, H. and Takahashi, M. Reconstruction of the Cretaceous continental arc–trench system of the Japanese Islands: a basis for Cretaceous palaeoenvironmental studies

Mitchell, S. F. The Cretaceous carbonate platforms of the Americas and their rudist bivalves

Percival, L. M. E., Matsumoto, H., Callegaro, S., Erba, E., Kerr, A. C., Mutterlose, J. and Suzuki, K. Cretaceous large igneous provinces: from volcanic formation to environmental catastrophes and biological crises

McArthur, J. M. and Howarth, R. J. Strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Cretaceous

Singer, B. S., Jicha, B. R., Sawyer, D. A., Walaszczyk, I., Landman, N., Sageman, B. B. and McKinney, K. C. A 40Ar/39Ar and U–Pb timescale for the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, North America

Friis, E. M., Crane, P. R. and Pedersen, K. R. The Cretaceous diversification of angiosperms: perspectives from mesofossils

Jarzembowski, E. A., Coram, R. A. and Song, Z. Cretaceous amber insects

Benton, M. J. The dinosaur boom in the Cretaceous

Zhou, Z. and Wang, M. Cretaceous fossil birds from China

Martill, D. M. and Smith, R. E. Cretaceous pterosaur history, diversity and extinction

Thibault, N., Sheldon, E., Morigi, C., Lauridsen, B. W., Springer, E. G., Schovsbo, N. H., Korte, C., Stemmerik, L. and Surlyk, F. A synthetic chronostratigraphy for the upper Campanian– Maastrichtian of the Boreal Realm based on the Danish and German basins

Gulick, S. P. S. End of the Cretaceous




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