GARLAND, J., NEILSON, J., LAUBACH, S. E. & WHIDDEN, K. J., Advances in carbonate exploration and reservoir analysis
BURCHETTE, T. P., Carbonate rocks and petroleum reservoirs: a geological perspective from the industry
WRIGHT, V. P., Lacustrine carbonates in rift settings: the interaction of volcanic and microbial processes on carbonate deposition
MACHEL, H. G., BORRERO, M. L., DEMBICKI, E., HUEBSCHER, H., PING, L. & ZHAO, Y., The Grosmont: the world’s largest unconventional oil reservoir hosted in carbonate rocks
DEWIT, J., HUYSMANS, M., MUCHEZ, Ph., HUNT, D. W., THURMOND, J. B., VERGES, J., SAURA, E., FERNANDEZ, N., ROMAIRE, I., ESESTIME, P. & SWENNEN, R., Reservoir characteristics of fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomite bodies: Ramales Platform case study
PALERMO, D., AIGNER, T., SEYFANG, B. & NARDON, S., Reservoir properties and petrophysical modelling of carbonate sand bodies: outcrop analogue study in an epicontinental basin (Triassic, Germany)
AL-QAYIM, B. & OTHMAN, D., Reservoir characterization of an intra-orogenic Carbonates platform: Pila Spi Formation, Taq Taq oil field, Kurdistan, Iraq
JACQUEMYN, C., SWENNEN, R. & RONCHI, P., Mechanical stratigraphy and (palaeo-) karstification of the Murge area (Apulia, southern Italy)
HOOKER, J. N., GOMEZ, L. A., LAUBACH, S. E., GALE, J. F. W. & MARRETT, R. Effects of diagenesis (cement precipitation) during fracture opening on fracture aperture-size scaling in carbonate rocks
IRIARTE, E., LóPEZ-HORGUE, M. A., SCHROEDER, S. & CALINE, B. Interplay between fracturing and hydrothermal fluid flow in the Asón Valley hydrothermal dolomites (Basque–Cantabrian Basin, Spain)
JANSON, X. & MADRIZ, D. D., Geomodelling of carbonate mounds using two-point and multipoint statistics
FOURNILLON, A., ABELARD, S., VISEUR, S., ARFIB, B. & BORGOMANO, J., Characterization of karstic networks by automatic extraction of geometrical and topological parameters: comparison between observations and stochastic simulations
LALLIER, F., CAUMON, G., BORGOMANO, J., VISEUR, S., FOURNIER, F., ANTOINE, C. & GENTILHOMME, T., Relevance of the stochastic stratigraphic well correlation approach for the study of complex carbonate settings: application to the Malampaya buildup (Offshore Palawan, Philippines)
JUNG, A., AIGNER, T., PALERMO, D., NARDON, S. & PONTIGGIA, M., A new workflow for carbonate reservoir modelling based on MPS: shoal bodies in outcrop analogues (Triassic, SW Germany)
COLLON-DROUAILLET, P., HENRION, V. & PELLERIN, J., An algorithm for 3D simulation of branchwork karst networks using Horton parameters and
Application to a synthetic case