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Powering the Energy Transition through Subsurface Collaboration: Proceedings of the 1st Energy Geoscience Conference

Product Code: EGC001
Series: GSL Energy Geoscience Conference Series - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by C.E. Gill, G. Goffey, J.R. Underhill
Publication Date: 01 November 2025 (not yet published)
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Energy Geoscience Conference Series 1

This title is a work in progress. Selected articles are available online from the Lyell Collection.

The first Energy Geoscience Conference was held in May 2023 to promote geoscientific collaboration towards achieving net zero. These proceedings papers cover hydrocarbons, carbon storage, ground modelling for wind projects, nuclear waste repositories, low temperature geothermal, salt tectonics, fault/fracture development, regional geological studies and exploration for lithium, hydrogen and helium.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781786206329
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Weight: kg



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