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The Geology of Central Europe, Volume 1 - Precambrian and Palaeozoic (Hardback)

Product Code: CEV1H
Series: GSL Geology of - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by T McCann
Publication Date: 28 August 2008
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Volume 1 of 2 (Hardback). Also available in paperback

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This two-volume set provides the first comprehensive account in English of the geology of Central Europe. Written by more than 200 scientists from universities and research centres spread across Europe and North America, the 21 chapters are based on the main stratigraphic periods. Individual chapters outline the evolution of the region divided into a variety of sections which include overviews of the stratigraphic framework, climate, sea-level variations, palaeogeography and magmatic activity. These are followed by more detailed descriptions of the Central European succession, covering the main basins and magmatic provinces. Each chapter is thoroughly referenced, providing a unique and valuable information source.

Volume 1 focuses on the evolution of Central Europe from the Precambrian to the Permian, a dynamic period which traces the formation of Central Europe from a series of microcontinents that separated from Gondwana through to the creation of Pangaea. Separate summary chapters on the Cadomian, Caledonian and Variscan orogenic events as well as on Palaeozoic magmatism provide an overview of the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the region. These descriptions sometimes extend beyond the borders of Central Europe to take in the Scottish and Irish Caledonides as well as the Palaeozoic successions in the Baltic region.

The Geology of Central Europe is a key reference work suitable not only for libraries across the world, but of interest to all researchers, teachers and students of European Geology.

'Central Europe' has a broad definition in these volumes including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, eastern France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Volume 2 available in paperback or hardback

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Ebook purchase: This title is available for purchase as an ePub file for personal use. Please see the eBooks page on the Lyell Collection for more information and to make a purchase. The purchase of an eBook on the Lyell Collection site does not include a printed copy of the book. (Ebooks are not available as part of GSL member access or to institutional subscribers.)

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Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-245-8
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 800
Weight: 2.55 kg


  • Acknowledgements
  • Contributing authors
  • Introduction and overview, T McCann
  • Precambrian, U Linnemann, R L Romer, C Pin, P Aleksandrowski, Z Buła, T Geisler, V Kachlik, E Krzemińska, S Mazur, G Motuza, J B Murphy, R D Nance, S A Pisarevsky, B Schulz, J Ulrich, J Wiszniewska, J aba & A Zeh
  • Cadomian tectonics, U Linnemann, R D’Lemos, K Drost, T Jeffries, A Gerdes, R L Romer, S D Samson & R A Strachan
  • Cambrian, G Geyer, O Elicki, O Fatka & A Żylińska
  • Ordovician, T Servais, J Dzik, O Fatka, T Heuse, M Vecoli & J Verniers
  • Silurian, J Verniers, J Maletz, J Křiž, Ž Žigaitė, F Paris, H P Schönlaub & R Wrona
  • Caledonian tectonics, C M Krawczyk, T McCann, L R M Cocks, R England, J McBride & S Wybraniec
  • Devonian, Z Bełka & M Narkiewicz
  • Carboniferous, T McCann, S Skompski, E Poty, M Dusar, A Vozárová, J Schneider, A Wetzel, K Krainer, K Kornpihl, A Schäfer, M Krings, S Oplustil & J Tait
  • Permian, T McCann, H Kiernowski, K Krainer, A Vozárová, T Peryt, S Oplustil, H Stollhofen, J Schneider, AWetzel, F Boulvain, M Dusar, Á Török, J Haas, J Tait & F Körner
  • Variscan tectonics, U Kroner, J-L Mansy, S Mazur, P Aleksandrowski, H P Hann, H Huckriede, F Lacquement, J Lamarche, P Ledru, T C Pharaoh, H Zedler, A Zeh & G Zulauf
  • Palaeozoic magmatism, M J Timmerman
  • Index


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